KTBC v Lee Moor 5 June


Kingsbridge Town played host to Lee Moor on Sunday, 5 June. After last week’s reversal it was imperative that Town got off to a good start and that is what happened. At half time Town held a lead of 50-17 and this was continued in the 2nd half as they won on all 4 rinks with a final score of 93-50.

Town’s most successful rink, skipped by Geoff Bulbulian, scored a count of 6 on the 5th end to seize the initiative and they powered away in the 2nd half, scoring 12 shots in the last 4 ends. David Thorne’s rink shot into a 15-1 lead at halfway but although they were held in the 2nd half, they retained the 14 shot advantage. On Keith Baston’s rink, the game was very close all through the match but a count of 5 shots on the penultimate end made the difference. Similarly, Kevin Moore’s rink was evenly contested with no high counts, as 5 shots in the last 5 ends gave them the edge.

Details:- Roy Kendall, Tim Lewis, Geoff Bulbulian 32-10. Marion Thorne, Steve Ellis, David Thorne 25-11. Sue Allen, Roy Krywko, Keith Baston 21-17. Bill Rockey, Tracey Moore, Kevin Moore 15-12.