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The rink is situated on Eastern Backway. This is a pedestrian way which runs parallel to the west of Fore Street and can be approached from Duncombe Street on the one-way system on the right just before the Fire Station.
Alternatively, Eastern Backway can be approached from Church Street or from King’s Arms pathway from Fore Street.
Parking is available in the Fire Station Car Park. There is limited parking here and the charge is £3-30 for 4 hours. Alternatively, there is free parking available at the Food Bank in Wallingford Road. On the one-way system turn left after the Fire Station into Wallingford Road and carry on for 200 yards and then turn left through the wide gate. Parking is at the bottom of the site. Do not park at the top as this is needed by the Food Bank. The walk back to the Green is approx. 5 minutes. On the Google Map it is marked as CCS Electrical Services.
You can also find us on the Bowls Devon website