The green was closed early to allow for more drainage works on the green. The third of the green at the shed end was completed last year and the middle third has now been completed. This should complete the work as no problems have been encountered at the pavilion end.
Boards were placed on the green for protection and work was restricted to 6 no 4 inch trenches. The turfs were removed by hand and the excavation was carried out by using a narrow trencher provided by Club member David Peters. Drainage pipes were surrounded by chippings and the rootzone was replaced before the turfs were relaid. Grass seed was then spread to finish the job. The operation was supervised by Ray Lancaster who also arranged for purchase of supplies and disposal of spare soil using his tractor and trailer. The work was carried out by club members with the help of Jason Gouldstone.

All materials were brought and subsoil taken away across Duncombe Park by tractor and trailer.

Wooden boards were placed to protect the green.

Turf was removed by hand and saved for replacement.

Excavation was carried out by machine. The rootzone was mixed with sand before replacement.

Subsoil was taken offsite by barrow to the trailer.

David’s wonderful machine.

The finished job.