AGM October 30

Keith BastonSocial Event

All the officers gave their reports including one from Chairman Ray Lancaster from his hospital bed. The President thanked Eric Fitch who was standing down from his role as Treasurer and welcomed Peter Hadley who was taking over.

The green was now in good condition after the drainage works in September. The Captain thanked Ray for his organisation, David for providing the narrow trenching machine and for all the other members who had made the work possible in just one week.

It was agreed to raise the subscription to £70 for next season. This included payments to Bowls England of £15 per player.

The committee was elected en bloc as follows:-

President Keith Baston
Chairman Ray Lancaster
Secretary Mike Lidstone
Treasurer Peter Hadley
Captain Keith Brayne
Fixture Secretary Keith Baston
Social Events Organiser Sandra Brayne
Member Eric Fitch
Member David Peters
Member Colin Harvey